(8) Conclusions From Isaiah's Witness

The evidence we have heard from the Old Testament witnesses for the deity of Jesus is compelling. When this evidence is put together with facts about Jesus and the witnesses of the New Testament, the case for the deity of Jesus is quite impressive. We are well on our way to establishing a very strong case to prove the deity of Jesus!

Yes, you can read about it in fairy tales and novels. You can see it in cartoons and movies. Jasmine did fall in love with Aladdin, the prince did switch places with the pauper. But the reality is far more amazing. God did come near. Jesus, the eternal Son of God did become one of us. This is not a fairy tale. This is not the idea of a great novelist. This is not fiction. This is fact. This is truth. This is reality. Meet Jesus . . . Up close & personal.

Are you amazed? Are you overwhelmed with the glorious truth that Jesus, the God who created the entire universe stepped down into humanity and time? You should be.

It would be one thing for a great king or president to show up at your home to spend some time with you. But the glorious unimaginable reality is that GOD showed up. GOD came to walk, talk, eat, live with us. How incredible is that? That’s greatness. And the descent to greatness is absolutely breath-taking.

That’s right, the descent to greatness. The true greatness of this story is that God descended from heaven to come to earth, to become human. That’s the great glory of Jesus: up close and personal. Jesus, being God did not try to stay exalted and isolated from man in heaven. He became man. He didn’t distance Himself from the great plight of man, dying in his sin. He became man. He did not remain in the beauty, perfection, and comfort of Heaven. He became a man. He came to earth. He stepped down. Way down. For you. That deserves worship. Passionate, authentic worship from the heart.

So, how do you measure greatness? How do you assess your own greatness? By how far you’ve ascended, or how far you’ve descended? Take a fresh look at true greatness and be humbled, be broken. Worship the King of Glory who became a man like you so He could save you from your humanity to reign with Him. Choose to humble yourself to even the most undesirable task to serve even the most untouchable. That’s true greatness!

Next:  (9) The Deity of Jesus in the New Testament - Introduction

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God is not a part of my life, God is my life! My passion is to know God to the fullest . . . to think His thoughts after Him . . . my heart beating with His heart. All for His glory and worship!